We started C-Cube to incubate
more creative communities.
Since 2019, we are a creative civil association focused on community entrepreneurship and migratory innovation. We believe that expats and locals can tackle major problems in society by turning their ideas into action, together.

01 / Creative
Value No.1
We believe that creativity is the most important human capacity. It is present in everybody in infinite different ways, and it connects all our attributes: imagination, intelligence, sensibility, hope. When you are creative, you are being the most human.
02 / Connections
Value No.2
Everything in life is interconnected. Whatever we can consider in our minds is either related, influenced or affected by other things and events at the same time. When we focus on connections, we care about reality.
03 / Collective
Value No.3
We feel a call to think and behave eco-logically. Instead of acting ego-logically, we are inspired by and commited to develop as a collective, where a shared sense of community guides us to be a healthy organization.